Visit Lumafield at MD&M, WestPack, and Plastec West
Lumafield has made industrial CT accessible to every industry; try our Neptune industrial CT scanner and Voyager analysis software for yourself in Anaheim, February 7-9, 2023!
We're bringing a CT scanner and a team of experts to MD&M, WestPack, and Plastec West to give hands-on industrial CT demos and show how our technology can help you perfect your products and manufacturing processes.
Drop by our exhibit during the show or make an appointment below to reserve time with our team. You'll find us at booth 3895 in the Plastec zone.

Stop problems before they start
Troubleshoot seals, pinpoint leak paths, and automatically find pores, cracks and voids
Reserve time with a CT expert
Meet with the Lumafield team virtually or in-person at MD&M, Plastec, and WestPack for a demo of our industrial CT scanner and advanced analysis tools. Contact us to make an appointment, or stop by our booth any time during the show.